ditz |
(slang) a scatterbrained person. |
diuresis |
an increase in or excessive discharge of urine. |
diuretic |
increasing the amount of urine secreted and discharged. [2 definitions] |
diurnal |
occurring or active during, or belonging to, the daytime rather than nighttime. (Cf. nocturnal.) [2 definitions] |
div. |
abbreviation of "division." |
diva |
a renowned female opera singer; prima donna. |
divagate |
to wander about. [2 definitions] |
divalent |
having a chemical valence of two; bivalent. |
divan |
a couch or cushioned seat, usu. without arms and sometimes with pillows backed onto the walls instead of a backrest. |
dive |
to plunge or swoop downward rapidly, usu. headfirst. [12 definitions] |
dive bomber |
a fighter-bomber designed to drop its bombs while diving toward the target. |
diver |
one who performs dives into water from a springboard or platform, esp. in competition. [3 definitions] |
diverge |
to extend or move away in different directions from a common point. [4 definitions] |
divergence |
a difference that separates. [2 definitions] |
divergent |
deviating, differing, or diverging. [2 definitions] |
divers |
various; several. [2 definitions] |
diverse |
of various types or sorts; assorted. [3 definitions] |
diversification |
the act or process of diversifying. |
diversify |
to give or introduce variety to or into. [2 definitions] |
diversion |
an act or instance of turning aside or deflecting. [3 definitions] |
diversity |
the state or condition of being being varied or consisting of various kinds. [3 definitions] |