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dormer a window set vertically into a projecting structure on a sloping roof; dormer window. [2 definitions]
dormitory a residential hall, esp. at a college. [2 definitions]
dormouse any of various small European rodents that have furry tails and resemble squirrels in habits and appearance.
Dorothea Dix U.S. social activist, reformer, and Union army Superintendent of Women Nurses, who worked to improve prison conditions and to provide asylums for the mentally ill (b.1802--d.1887).
dorsal of, upon, near, or related to the back, as an organ or part of an animal. (Cf. ventral.) [2 definitions]
dorsiflexion flexion that moves a body part in the dorsal (upward) direction.
dorsum the back part of an animal. [2 definitions]
dory1 a small, narrow, flat-bottomed boat that has high flaring sides and a sharply pointed prow.
dory2 either of two fishes of the Atlantic that have narrow, flattened bodies and spiny fins.
dosa in the cooking of southern India, a pancake made from rice flour and ground peas, lentils, or the like.
dos-à-dos do-si-do.
dosage the administration or taking of doses, esp. of medicine. [2 definitions]
do's and don'ts actions or customs, collectively correct or appropriate and wrong or inappropriate, respectively.
dose a specified amount, esp. of medicine, administered or prescribed to be taken at one time or at certain intervals. [6 definitions]
do-si-do a movement in square dancing in which two dancers approach each other, pass around each other back to back, and return to their original positions. [4 definitions]
dosimeter a portable instrument that measures amounts of radiation, such as gamma rays or x-rays, to which a person has been exposed.
do somebody good to have a beneficial effect on someone.
dossier a set of papers or documents that provide detailed information on a particular person or subject.
dot a little mark or spot; speck. [10 definitions]
dotage weakness of mind or foolishness, esp. when accompanying old age; senility. [2 definitions]
dotard one who has become feeble-minded, esp. in old age.