dummy |
an object made as a representation or imitation of another object, but without all the functions or qualities of the original. [8 definitions] |
dump |
to drop abruptly and in one single load. [10 definitions] |
dumpling |
a lump of boiled dough, often served in soup with stewed meat. [2 definitions] |
dumps |
(informal) a mental state characterized by unhappiness and mild depression. |
Dumpster |
trademark for a large metal trash container that is designed to be carried by a special truck. |
dumpster diving |
(slang) in North America, the practice of rummaging through trash to find useful items that have been discarded. |
dump truck |
a truck with a bed that can tilt backward to unload its contents through the opened tailgate. |
dumpy1 |
unhappy or depressed. |
dumpy2 |
short and thick; bulky; squat. |
dun1 |
to repeatedly demand payment from. [3 definitions] |
dun2 |
a dull grayish brown color. [3 definitions] |
dunce |
an unintelligent, foolish, or ignorant person. |
dunce cap |
a cone-shaped cap worn in former times by school children as punishment for slowness or laziness. |
dunderhead |
a stupid, idiotic person; dunce; numbskull. |
dune |
a mound or hill of sand built up by the action of wind. |
dune buggy |
a lightweight car, usu. without doors or windows, that has a rear-engine chassis and oversized tires that make driving over sand dunes easier. |
dung |
solid excrement; feces, esp. nonhuman. [2 definitions] |
dungaree |
a heavy, coarse cotton fabric, usu. blue; denim. [3 definitions] |
dung beetle |
any of various beetles that feed on and breed in dung; scarab. |
dungeon |
a jail or jail cell, esp. a dark, damp one underground. |
dunghill |
a large pile of dung. [2 definitions] |