duplicating machine |
a machine that makes exact copies of printed matter. (See copier, duplicator.) |
duplicator |
a machine that makes copies, esp. of written material; copier. |
duplicitous |
deceitful, treacherous, or double-dealing. |
duplicity |
deceitful speech or action. [2 definitions] |
durable |
not easily worn out; long-lasting; sturdy. [2 definitions] |
durable goods |
goods that can be used for many years without wearing out, such as household appliances or automobiles. |
dural |
of, pertaining to, or affecting the dura mater. |
dura mater |
the outermost of three fibrous membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. (See arachnoid, pia mater.) |
duramen |
the hard, dead wood in the center of certain trees; heartwood. |
durance |
involuntary and usu. extended confinement, as in a prison. |
duration |
the state or quality of existing over time. [2 definitions] |
durbar |
in India, the court of a prince. [2 definitions] |
duress |
intimidation or coercion. [2 definitions] |
durga |
the Hindu goddess of war. |
durian |
an edible oval fruit with a hard prickly rind, soft flavorful pulp, and an odor considered offensive by many. [2 definitions] |
during |
throughout the existence or duration of. [2 definitions] |
Duroc |
(sometimes l.c.) any of a breed of reddish brown hogs with droopy ears. |
durra |
a grain sorghum, grown in Africa and Asia. (See Indian millet, Guinea corn.) |
durum |
a variety of wheat whose flour is the basic ingredient of spaghetti and other pasta. |
Dushanbe |
the capital of Tajikistan. |
dusk |
the time of day just before night; last moments of twilight. |