dwarf |
(outdated; often considered offensive) a much smaller than average person due to a medical condition, esp. if proportioned so that the person's legs are shorter than his or her torso. [7 definitions] |
dwarfism |
a state or condition of stunted growth. |
dwarf star |
a star of relatively small size and low mass and luminosity. (See white dwarf.) |
dweeb |
(slang) a wimp; nerd; despised person. |
dwell |
to live or stay as a resident; reside. [3 definitions] |
dwelling |
a shelter used for long-term residence; abode; house. |
dwelt |
a past tense and past participle of dwell. |
abbreviation of "driving while intoxicated." |
dwindle |
to become or cause to become gradually smaller or less until almost nothing remains; diminish; shrink. |
Dy |
symbol of the chemical element dysprosium. |
Dyak |
variant of Dayak. |
dybbuk |
in Jewish folklore, the soul of a dead person that enters the body of a living person and controls his or her actions. |
dye |
a liquid used to impart color, as to fabrics, or the substance, usu. a powder, from which the liquid is made. [5 definitions] |
dyeable |
combined form of dye. |
dyed-in-the-wool |
complete; utter. [2 definitions] |
dyed in the wool |
confirmed or firmly established. |
dyeing |
the process or art of using dye to color fabric. |
dyer's woad |
a yellow-flowered biennial plant whose leaves yield a blue dye. |
dyestuff |
a substance that can be used as or made into a dye. |
dying |
nearing death; losing life. [4 definitions] |
dyke1 |
variant of dike. |