elevated railway |
a railway that is elevated on a framework, permitting ground traffic to circulate beneath it. |
elevation |
the height to which something rises or is raised, or its height above sea level or ground level. [4 definitions] |
elevator |
a machine which raises or lifts, esp. a platform or enclosure in a vertical shaft, with its equipment and parts, used to raise and lower people or goods from one level to another in a building. [3 definitions] |
eleven |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 11 and by the Roman numeral XI. [3 definitions] |
eleventh |
indicating rank or position between tenth and twelfth. [3 definitions] |
abbreviation of "extremely low frequency." |
elf |
an imaginary, small, and often mischievous humanlike creature that has magical powers, or a person, usu. a child, resembling this creature in size and sprightliness. |
elfin |
of, like, or resembling an elf. [2 definitions] |
elfish |
like, or of the nature of, an elf; mischievous; impish. |
elflock |
a lock of hair that is tangled, as if by elves. |
elicit |
to draw or bring out. [2 definitions] |
elide |
to leave out or slur, as a syllable or letter, in pronunciation. [2 definitions] |
eligibility |
the state or condition of being eligible, as for office, membership, marriage, or participation in some activity. |
eligible |
qualified for a benefit, privilege, or position, such as elective office. [2 definitions] |
Elijah |
according to the Old Testament, a Hebrew prophet of the ninth century B.C. |
eliminate |
to dispose of, remove, or destroy. [3 definitions] |
elimination |
the act or process of eliminating; disposal; destruction; dismissal. [2 definitions] |
elint |
the gathering of information by use of electronic devices located on ships, airplanes, satellites, or the like (acronym for "electronic intelligence"). |
elision |
the slurring over or omission of a letter or syllable in pronouncing a word. [2 definitions] |
elite |
(usu. used with a pl. verb) the best, taken collectively. [4 definitions] |
elitism |
rule, or support or advocacy of rule, by an elite. [2 definitions] |