empty-handed |
having nothing to offer. [2 definitions] |
empty-headed |
lacking intelligence or common sense; frivolous, silly, or scatterbrained. |
empty out |
to become empty. [3 definitions] |
empurple |
to color or become purple. |
empyreal |
of or relating to the heavens; empyrean. [2 definitions] |
empyrean |
the heavenly realm of pure fire or light, according to the ancients. [3 definitions] |
emu |
a large flightless Australian bird related to the ostrich that has head and neck feathers and rudimentary wings. |
emulate |
to try to be the same as or better than (another person), esp. by imitating. |
emulation |
the process of trying to be the same as or better than another, esp. by imitating. |
emulous |
filled with the desire to equal or surpass. [2 definitions] |
emulsify |
to make an emulsion of. |
emulsion |
a mixture consisting of drops or globules of one liquid suspended in another liquid that does not mix well with the first. [2 definitions] |
-en1 |
to cause to have, be, or become. [2 definitions] |
-en2 |
made of, or resembling. |
-en3 |
used to form the past participle in certain verbs. |
-en4 |
used to form the plural of certain nouns. |
en- |
in; into. [2 definitions] |
enable |
to give means or power to; make able; allow; authorize. [2 definitions] |
enact |
to make into a law. [2 definitions] |
enactment |
the act or process of enacting. [3 definitions] |
enamel |
a glossy, usu. opaque coating fused by heat to metal, glass, pottery, or other surfaces for protection or decoration, or objects so coated. [5 definitions] |