enamel |
a glossy, usu. opaque coating fused by heat to metal, glass, pottery, or other surfaces for protection or decoration, or objects so coated. [5 definitions] |
enamelware |
metal utensils or kitchenware that is coated with enamel. |
enamor |
to inspire love or fondness in. |
enamored |
highly enthusiastic, fond, or infatuated (usu. fol. by "of" or "with"). |
en bloc |
(French) all together; in a group; as a whole. |
en brochette |
(French) on a skewer, esp. broiled or grilled on a small spit or skewer. |
en brosse |
(French) of hair, cut short, so that it resembles the bristles of a brush. |
encamp |
to set up, or take lodging in, a camp. [2 definitions] |
encampment |
a place where a camp has been set up. [2 definitions] |
encapsulate |
to condense, as though to fit into a capsule. [2 definitions] |
encase |
to enclose in, or as though in, a case. |
en casserole |
in, or in the manner of, a casserole. |
encaustic |
of or concerning a type of paint in which pigment is blended with beeswax, which fuses the pigment to a surface upon heating. [2 definitions] |
-ence |
state, condition, or quality. [2 definitions] |
enceinte1 |
with child; pregnant. |
enceinte2 |
a wall or fortification, or the area within such an enclosure. |
Enceladus |
one of several moons of the planet Saturn, having more reflective brightness than any other body in the solar system. |
encephalitis |
inflammation of the brain, caused by any of several infectious diseases. |
encephalo- |
brain. |
encephalogram |
an x-ray photograph of the spaces of the brain normally filled with cerebrospinal fluid, partially replaced for the procedure by air or dye. |
encephalon |
the brain. |