equiangular |
having all the angles equal. |
equidistant |
of or at an equal distance. |
equilateral |
having all the sides or faces equal. [2 definitions] |
equilibrant |
a force or forces that bring a system of forces into balance. |
equilibrate |
to bring into or be in balance or equilibrium. |
equilibrium |
a state in which all acting forces cancel each other to create balance or stability. [3 definitions] |
equine |
of or similar to a horse. [2 definitions] |
equinoctial |
of, concerning, or near the time of an equinox. [5 definitions] |
equinoctial circle |
see "celestial equator." |
equinox |
either of the two times during the year when the sun crosses the earth's equator so that day and night are of equal duration worldwide, occurring in March and September. |
equip |
to furnish with necessary tools or means to accomplish a task. [2 definitions] |
equipage |
a carriage, with or without its horses and attendants. [2 definitions] |
equipment |
anything designed or provided for a particular use. [3 definitions] |
equipoise |
a state of balance or equal weight, importance, or the like; equilibrium. [3 definitions] |
equisetum |
a seedless, flowerless plant; horsetail or scouring rush. |
equitable |
characterized by fairness; just. [2 definitions] |
equitation |
the act or skill of training and riding a horse; horsemanship. |
equity |
the quality of being fair and reasonable; fairness. [5 definitions] |
equity capital |
money contributed to a business by the owners. |
equivalence |
the state, fact, or condition of being equal in value, amount, importance, or the like; equality. |
equivalency |
equivalence. |