expectancy |
the state of expecting; anticipation. [2 definitions] |
expectant |
having expectations; hopeful. [3 definitions] |
expectation |
the act or state of waiting for or looking forward to. [4 definitions] |
expected |
thought likely or certain to happen. |
expectorant |
promoting the discharge of phlegm from the respiratory tract. [2 definitions] |
expectorate |
to cough up or spit out (phlegm). [2 definitions] |
expediency |
suitability, or the thing or action suitable, to the specific purpose or circumstances. [2 definitions] |
expedient |
suitable or advantageous for the purpose or in the circumstances. [4 definitions] |
expedite |
to send off, facilitate the progress of, or accomplish with speed and efficiency. [2 definitions] |
expedition |
an outing or journey taken for a specific purpose, or the organized group, with its equipment and conveyances, undertaking such a trip. [2 definitions] |
expeditionary |
pertaining to, constituting, or used in a trip undertaken for a specific purpose, esp. a military expedition. |
expeditious |
prompt and efficient. |
expel |
to put or drive out forcibly. [2 definitions] |
expend |
to use up. [2 definitions] |
expendable |
subject to being disposed or consumed. [4 definitions] |
expenditure |
the act of paying out or expending. [2 definitions] |
expense |
something given or paid out, such as money, effort, or time, esp. in return for something else; cost. [4 definitions] |
expense account |
a record of an employee's expenditures that will be paid or paid back by the employer, or a specified amount of such allowable expenditures. |
expensive |
costing a relatively large amount of money, time, or effort; costly. [2 definitions] |
experience |
a particular situation or event that one has encountered or lived through. [6 definitions] |
experienced |
wise or knowledgeable as a result of accumulating experience. |