experienced |
wise or knowledgeable as a result of accumulating experience. |
experiential |
pertaining to or based on experience rather than theory; empirical. |
experiment |
a test or trial to discover something unknown, esp. a scientific one to test a hypothesis. [3 definitions] |
experimental |
of or related to a test, trial, or experiment. [2 definitions] |
experimentation |
the act, process, or practice of running tests, trials, or experiments. |
expert |
one who is very skilled in or knowledgeable about a particular thing. [3 definitions] |
expertise |
expert knowledge or skill; expertness. |
expiate |
to atone or make amends for (a sin, crime, offense, or the like). |
expiation |
the act or the means of making amends, as for a sin or crime. |
expiatory |
pertaining to the act or means of making reparation. |
expiration |
a coming to formal termination, as in the case of a contract, license, or the like. [2 definitions] |
expiratory |
of, relating to, or involving the exhalation of air from the lungs. |
expire |
to reach the end of a fixed term, as a permit, subscription, warranty, or membership. [4 definitions] |
expiry |
a termination or ending, esp. of an agreement or contract; expiration. |
explain |
to make clear in speech or writing; make plain or understandable by analysis or description. [5 definitions] |
explainable |
combined form of explain. |
explain away |
to minimize or negate the importance of by explaining. |
explanation |
the act, process, or result of explaining. [3 definitions] |
explanatory |
serving to clarify or explain. |
expletive |
an interjection, exclamation, or oath, esp. an obscene one. [4 definitions] |
explicable |
capable of being explained. |