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factory farming a strictly controlled system of livestock farming in which animals are confined indoors under high density conditions to reduce costs and increase output.
factotum one employed to do a wide variety of tasks.
factual of or relating to fact. [2 definitions]
facula any of several large irregular bright spots or streaks visible on the surface of the sun.
facultative of or concerning the granting of a right or privilege. [3 definitions]
faculty capacity or ability, as to do a certain task or to think in a certain way. [3 definitions]
fad a fashion or behavior taken up briefly but enthusiastically; craze.
faddish relating to or having the nature of a passing fashion or craze.
fade to lose color or brightness gradually; dim. [6 definitions]
fadeaway in baseball, designating a curve ball that dips and slows down as it reaches home plate. [2 definitions]
fade-in a gradual increase in the sharpness of focus or visibility of a scene or image in film or television, or in the audibility of sound in broadcasting.
fadeless combined form of fade.
fade-out a gradual decrease in the sharpness of focus or visibility of a scene or image in film or television, or in the audibility of sound in broadcasting.
faeces variant of feces.
faerie the imaginary dwelling place of fairies; fairyland. [2 definitions]
fag to make weary or exhausted; tire (often fol. by "out"). [4 definitions]
fag end the last or worst part of something, esp. the worn-out or frayed end of a piece of cloth or rope.
faggot (offensive slang) a male homosexual.
fagot sticks, twigs, or branches bound together. [4 definitions]
fagoting a technique for trimming or decorating cloth with crisscross stitches across an open seam, or with vertical threads tied at midpoint in bundles spaced across a section with no horizontal threads.
Fahrenheit of, pertaining to, or designating a temperature scale on which thirty-two degrees is the freezing point and 212 degrees is the boiling point of water. (abbr.: F)