Fair Labor Standards Act |
law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1938 and administered by the U.S. Department of Labor to establish work standards, such as national minimum wage, overtime compensation for certain jobs, and restriction on the use of child labor. |
fairly |
in a just or impartial manner. [3 definitions] |
fair-minded |
impartial and without prejudice. |
fair play |
the act of following, honorably, the established rules of a game or sport; honorable conduct in business or any other competitive activity. |
fair sex |
women collectively (usu. prec. by "the"). |
fair-spoken |
speaking or spoken with politeness, tact, or civility. |
fair-trade |
pertaining to an agreement made by a seller to pay fair wages to workers producing the seller's goods in a developing country, or to the products produced under such an agreement. [3 definitions] |
fairway |
an unobstructed, navigable passage or area on land or sea. [2 definitions] |
fair-weather |
suited only for fair weather. [2 definitions] |
fairy |
an imaginary tiny creature in human form, thought to possess supernatural powers that can change the course of human affairs. [3 definitions] |
fairyland |
the imaginary abode of fairies, or a real place of great beauty and charm. |
fairy tale |
a fictitious, sometimes incredible, imaginative story, often involving giants, ogres, elves, or other magical creatures and characters. [2 definitions] |
fait accompli |
(French) a wholly completed deed or accomplishment, esp. one that appears irreversible and has been done without an affected person's prior knowledge. |
faith |
belief, confidence, or trust. [5 definitions] |
faith cure |
a method of trying to heal disease or other medical infirmity through prayer or religious exercises. |
faithful |
fulfilling one's duty or obligations in life. [7 definitions] |
faith healing |
a method of ministering to the sick through prayer and religious faith. |
faithless |
failing in one's duties or responsibilities. [3 definitions] |
fake |
to create a counterfeit of; falsify. [8 definitions] |
faker |
a person who deceives, pretends, or fakes. |
fakir |
a wandering beggar of the Muslim or Hindu religion, esp. one who performs remarkable feats such as lying on a bed of nails. |