familism |
a type of social structure that emphasizes the needs and desires of the entire family unit as opposed to those of the individual members. |
family |
a group consisting of parents and their children. [8 definitions] |
family man |
a man who is devoted to his wife and children. |
family name |
a person's last name, as opposed to his or her given name; surname. |
family planning |
a program designed to limit the size of a household by properly spacing or preventing the birth of children. |
family room |
a large room in which a family usu. gathers for recreation, conversation, relaxation, and the like. |
family style |
using or pertaining to a method of serving food, as in a boardinghouse or some restaurants, in which dishes are passed from one person to another and each helps himself or herself. [2 definitions] |
family tree |
a diagram or chart tracing the ancestors and descendants of an individual or individuals collectively; genealogical tree. [2 definitions] |
famine |
an extreme and widespread shortage of food. |
famish |
to cause to suffer from severe hunger. [2 definitions] |
famished |
suffering from extreme hunger; starved. [2 definitions] |
famous |
having widespread recognition or public esteem; renowned. [2 definitions] |
fan1 |
a hand-held device that opens out to form a triangular shape and that is used to cool the face or body by waving back and forth. [7 definitions] |
fan2 |
an enthusiastic follower of an activity such as a sport or a performing art or of a person or persons who engage in that activity. |
fanatic |
one who has excessive and uncritical zeal or devotion to a principle, cause, religion, leader, or the like. [2 definitions] |
fanatical |
driven by or springing from excessive and uncritical zeal. |
fanaticism |
excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm or support for something. |
fan belt |
in an automobile engine, a rubber belt stretched firmly around the crankshaft, which transfers torque to another shaft located on the cooling fan. |
fancied |
invented or dreamed up; existing in fantasy; imaginary. |
fancier |
a devotee of some thing or pursuit. [2 definitions] |
fanciful |
exhibiting use of the imagination; whimsical or imaginative. [3 definitions] |