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filmless combined form of film.
filmmaker a person who directs or produces films.
film noir a kind of film, made esp. during the 1940s and 1950s, that depicted a negative, cynical view of life, often focusing on crime and vice in cities.
filmography a listing of movies that an actor has appeared in or that a director has directed.
filmstrip a strip of developed film containing a series of still photographs designed to be projected on a screen.
filmy consisting of or resembling a thin layer or haze; nearly transparent. [2 definitions]
fils the smaller monetary unit of Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates. (Cf. dinar, riyal.)
filter a piece of paper or other porous material, such as charcoal, used to remove solids or other impurities from fluids or gases that pass through it. [7 definitions]
filterable capable of being filtered, or of passing through a filter, as certain viruses and bacteria.
filterable virus a virus capable of passing through bacteria-retaining filters and thus remaining infectious.
filter paper porous paper used to filter liquids, commonly used in certain coffee makers.
filth that which is unclean or foul. [3 definitions]
filthy extremely dirty or foul; nasty. [2 definitions]
filtrate to pass through or subject to a filter. [2 definitions]
fin one of usu. several movable, webbed appendages that fish and other animals that live in the water use for swimming or balance. [8 definitions]
finagle (informal) to use underhanded, indirect, or tricky techniques to achieve one's goal. [3 definitions]
final occurring at or constituting the end of something; last. [6 definitions]
finale the last movement or conclusion of a musical composition. [2 definitions]
finalist a person or team chosen to participate in the final session of a game or competition.
finality the quality or fact of allowing no further discussion or change. [2 definitions]
finalize to put into finished form; make complete or definite.