finger painting |
the application of paint with the fingers, hands, or forearms, rather than with a brush, to create a picture or design. [2 definitions] |
fingerprint |
an impression of the skin pattern in the fingertip left on an object that it has touched, esp. one made with ink and used as identification. [2 definitions] |
fingertip |
the extreme tip of the finger. |
finial |
a decorative element that points upward from the end or top of something, as from an arch, a piece of furniture, or a lampshade. |
finical |
finicky. |
finicky |
exceptionally fussy or hard to satisfy. |
finis |
the finish; end. |
finish |
to reach or cause the end of; complete. [11 definitions] |
finished |
completed; ended. [4 definitions] |
finishing nail |
a thin nail with a very small, cupped head, used for finishing work in carpentry. |
finishing school |
a private school at the secondary or junior college level for the training of young women, esp. in the social graces and accomplishments appropriate to polite society. |
finish line |
a line or other marker indicating the end of a race. |
finite |
limited in number, quantity, or duration; capable of being measured. (Cf. infinite.) [3 definitions] |
finitude |
the quality or state of being finite. |
Finland |
a Scandinavian country between Russia and Sweden. |
Finn |
a native or citizen of Finland, or a descendant thereof. [2 definitions] |
finnan haddie |
smoked haddock. |
Finnic |
of or belonging to the group of languages that includes Finnish, Estonian, and Lapp. [2 definitions] |
Finnish |
the main language of Finland. [2 definitions] |
Finno- |
Finnish. |
Finno-Ugric |
a subfamily of the Uralic family of languages including Finnish, Hungarian, and Estonian, spoken in eastern Europe, western Siberia, and the Ural mountains. [2 definitions] |