flabby |
not firm; soft; flaccid. [2 definitions] |
flaccid |
without firmness; soft; flabby. |
flack |
a press agent or other person employed to speak on one's behalf. |
flacon |
a small, stoppered flask or bottle. |
flag1 |
a piece of cloth, usu. rectangular or triangular, bearing any of various colors and designs and used for signaling or as the symbol or emblem of a country, organization, or the like; banner; pennant. [3 definitions] |
flag2 |
any of a variety of plants characterized by long, flat, pointed leaves, such as the iris, blue flag, or cattail. |
flag3 |
to lose energy, strength, or interest. [2 definitions] |
flag4 |
a type of broad, flat stone used for covering surfaces such as a patio; flagstone. [2 definitions] |
Flag Day |
June 14, a day commemorating the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States. |
flagellant |
one who scourges himself or herself as a means of religious discipline or penance. [2 definitions] |
flagellate |
to strike with or as if with a whip; flog. [4 definitions] |
flagellum |
a whiplike filament extending from certain simple cells, such as reproductive cells or single-celled animals, used mainly for locomotion. [3 definitions] |
flageolet |
a small vertical flute with a fipple, four finger holes, and two thumb holes. [2 definitions] |
flagging1 |
diminishing or drooping, as energy or spirits; weakening. |
flagging2 |
an area paved with flagstones, or the material used for the paving. |
flagitious |
viciously or shamefully wicked; infamous. |
flagman |
one who signals with a flag or light, as on a railroad. |
flag of convenience |
the flag belonging to a foreign nation in which a vessel is registered for the financial convenience of the ship's owner. |
flag officer |
a naval or coast guard officer above the rank of captain, who is entitled to have a special flag displayed when he or she is aboard ship. |
flag of truce |
a white flag displayed to an enemy to indicate a desire to talk together or surrender. |
flagon |
a vessel for serving liquids that has a handle, a spout, and often a top or hinged lid. [2 definitions] |