flatboat |
a flat-bottomed boat used for transporting goods on shallow waters. |
flatcar |
a railroad car having a flat platform with no walls or roof. |
flatfish |
any member of an order of mainly saltwater fishes, such as the sole, halibut, or flounder, whose adult bodies are flat with both eyes on the upper side. |
flatfoot |
a condition of the foot in which the arch is flattened. |
flatfooted |
pertaining to or having flat feet. [2 definitions] |
Flathead |
any member of several Indian tribes in the northwest United States, esp. a Salishan tribe of Montana. |
flatiron |
a flat-bottomed iron that is heated and used to press clothes. |
flatland |
(often pl.) fairly flat terrain such as a valley or plains, as opposed to hilly or mountainous terrain. |
flat-out |
(informal) at maximum speed or strength. [3 definitions] |
flat-screen |
of or pertaining to a thin, flat display on a computer or television. |
flat silver |
eating utensils; silverware. |
flatten |
to make flat. [3 definitions] |
flatter1 |
to please with compliments. [4 definitions] |
flatter2 |
one that makes something flat. [3 definitions] |
flattering |
making one feel proud or pleased with oneself because of the compliment of another or because of something considered complimentary. [2 definitions] |
flattery |
the act or practice of flattering. [2 definitions] |
flat tire |
a tire that has become deflated through leakage, puncture, or the like. |
flattish |
somewhat flat. |
flattop |
(informal) an aircraft carrier. [2 definitions] |
flatulent |
tending to generate gas in the digestive tract. [3 definitions] |
flatus |
gas formed in the intestinal tract that may be expelled through the anus. |