F layer |
the highest zone of the ionosphere, between 120 and 250 miles above the earth. |
flea |
any of an order of tiny wingless insects that move by jumping, and feed by sucking the blood of warm-blooded animals. [2 definitions] |
flea-bitten |
having fleas or fleabites. [2 definitions] |
flea in (one's) ear |
a broad hint or annoying reminder. |
flea market |
a market, usu. outdoors, at which mostly secondhand goods are sold cheaply. |
fleck |
a small patch of light or color. [3 definitions] |
flection |
the act of bending or flexing, or the condition of being bent or flexed. [4 definitions] |
fled |
past tense and past participle of flee. |
fledge |
to tend (a young bird) and prepare it for flight. [4 definitions] |
fledgling |
a young bird that has just grown flight feathers or learned to fly. [2 definitions] |
flee |
to escape by moving rapidly away; run away. [2 definitions] |
fleece |
the wool of a sheep or other animal, esp. the total yield of wool at one shearing. [7 definitions] |
fleecy |
of, made of, covered with, or like fleece. |
fleer1 |
to sneer, snicker, or laugh mockingly; mock. [2 definitions] |
fleer2 |
one that flees. |
fleet1 |
a group of naval ships under one command or grouped for one purpose. [3 definitions] |
fleet2 |
swift and nimble. [5 definitions] |
fleet admiral |
the highest rank for a U.S. naval officer, created and conferred only during World War II. |
fleeting |
passing or disappearing quickly; transient; ephemeral. |
Fleet Street |
the journalism establishment in London, England, so called after the street on which many newspaper offices are located. |
Fleming |
a native of Flanders, or a descendant thereof. [2 definitions] |