floorwalker |
an employee in a large store who supervises salespeople and aids customers. |
flop |
to fall down or over in a limp or heavy manner. [8 definitions] |
flophouse |
(informal) a cheap, shabby hotel or rooming house. |
floppy |
loosely hanging or flapping; softy flexible. [2 definitions] |
floppy disk |
a thin flexible plastic disk with a magnetic coating, on which computer information can be stored; diskette; floppy. |
flora |
plants collectively, esp. those of a particular area, period, or environment. (Cf. fauna.) [2 definitions] |
floral |
of, concerning, or composed of flowers. |
florescence |
the act, state, or time of blossoming; bloom. |
floret |
a small flower, esp. one of several making up a composite flower. |
floribunda |
any of various hybrid roses that bear abundant clusters of flowers. |
floriculture |
the cultivation of flowers and flowering plants, esp. for sale, as in a commercial greenhouse. |
florid |
of the skin, red or ruddy in color. [2 definitions] |
Florida |
a state in the southeastern tip of the United States. (abbr.: FL) |
floriferous |
bearing flowers in profusion. |
florin |
any of several gold or silver coins formerly in circulation in Europe and South Africa. [3 definitions] |
florist |
one whose profession is keeping, arranging, or growing flowers and ornamental plants in order to sell them. |
floristic |
of or pertaining to flowers or plants, or their distribution in a region. |
floss |
silky thread with little twist used esp. in embroidery work. [5 definitions] |
flossy |
made of or similar to floss. |
flotation |
the act or condition of floating. [3 definitions] |
flotilla |
a fleet of boats or small ships. [2 definitions] |