fluvial |
of, found in, or produced by a river. |
flux |
a flow or flowing in, as of the tide. [9 definitions] |
fly1 |
to move through the air by means of wings. [12 definitions] |
fly2 |
any of a variety of small, winged insects, esp. the common housefly. [3 definitions] |
fly3 |
(slang) cool, appealing, or attractive. |
flyable |
ready or able to be flown. |
fly agaric |
a poisonous mushroom with an orange or reddish cap and white gills. |
fly ash |
fine, often airborne particles of ash derived from the burning of solid fuel and recognized as a factor in air pollution. [2 definitions] |
fly ball |
in baseball, a batted ball that rises high in the air; fly. (Cf. ground ball.) |
flyblown |
covered or contaminated with blowfly eggs or larvae. [2 definitions] |
flyby |
a flight over or close to a designated point, area, or target by an aircraft or spacecraft for the purpose of making aerial observations. |
fly-by-night |
irresponsible or unreliable, esp. in business dealings. [4 definitions] |
fly-cast |
to fish by casting an artificial fly, attached to a light leader, which is in turn attached to a heavy line, with a lightweight, flexible rod. |
fly casting |
the act, technique, or sport of fishing by casting a heavy line, from a lightweight flexible rod, to which an artificial fly has been attached by means of a light leader. |
flycatcher |
any of various related European or American birds that feed on insects caught in the air. |
flyer |
variant of flier. |
fly-fishing |
a method of fishing that involves casting with a rod and and using an artifical fly as bait. |
flying |
being able to fly or seeming to fly. [6 definitions] |
flying boat |
a large floating seaplane with a hull-shaped body. |
flying bridge |
a small, often open platform over the pilothouse or bridge of a ship, that is equipped with a duplicate set of controls. |
flying buttress |
a segmental arch that transmits outward and downward pressure from the upper side wall of a building to a solid buttress on the ground. |