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forego2 variant of forgo.
foregoing occurring or appearing just before; preceding; previous.
foregone having gone before; previous. [2 definitions]
foreground the part of something, such as a painting or photo, that is or appears to be nearest the viewer. (Cf. background.) [2 definitions]
forehand of a stroke in tennis or the like, performed with the palm facing forward. [4 definitions]
forehanded providing for future events or needs; prudent; foresighted. [3 definitions]
forehead the part of the human face above the eyes and below the typical hairline; brow. [2 definitions]
foreign in, from, characteristic of, or involving a country that is not one's own. [4 definitions]
foreign-born born in a country other than the one in which one resides; nonnative.
foreigner a person born who is born in or comes from a foreign country.
foreign exchange international monetary transaction, as between governments or businesses of different countries. [2 definitions]
foreign minister a cabinet member who supervises and conducts foreign affairs.
foreign office in some nations, the government department officially concerned with foreign policy.
foreknow to know before the existence or occurrence of.
foreknowledge knowledge or awareness of something before it occurs or exists; prescience.
foreland a part of the land that juts out into the water; promontory; cape.
foreleg one of the two front legs of an animal with four or more legs.
forelimb one of the front appendages of an animal with four limbs, such as a leg or flipper.
forelock1 a lock or tuft of hair that grows on or above the forehead, esp. on a horse.
forelock2 a pin fitted or driven through an opening to hold two parts together; linchpin. [2 definitions]
foreman the supervisor of a group of workers, as in a factory or shop. [2 definitions]