foreman |
the supervisor of a group of workers, as in a factory or shop. [2 definitions] |
foremast |
the foreward mast on a vessel having two or more masts. |
foremost |
first in time, place, or esp. rank. [2 definitions] |
forenamed |
mentioned or named before; aforementioned. |
forenoon |
the part of the day before noon; morning. |
forensic |
pertaining to or used in legal proceedings. [5 definitions] |
forensic medicine |
the application of expert medical knowledge to questions of law. |
foreordain |
to appoint or determine beforehand; predestine. |
forepart |
the front, first, or earliest part. |
forepaw |
the paw of an animal's front leg. |
foreplay |
mutual sexual stimulation before intercourse. |
forequarter |
the front end of one side of a four-footed animal, esp. of a side of meat. |
forerun |
to go or come before or in front of; precede. [2 definitions] |
forerunner |
one that came before; ancestor; predecessor; precursor. [2 definitions] |
foresail |
the principal sail hung on the forward mast or stay, such as the lowermost square sail on a square-rigged ship, or the jib on a cutter. |
foresaw |
past tense of "foresee." |
foresee |
to know or realize beforehand; predict or expect. [2 definitions] |
foreseeable |
combined form of foresee. |
foreseen |
past participle of "foresee." |
foreshadow |
to signal or indicate beforehand; presage; prefigure. |
foreshank |
an animal's upper foreleg and shoulder. [2 definitions] |