forthright |
outspoken and to the point. [2 definitions] |
forthwith |
without delay or hesitation; immediately. |
fortieth |
indicating rank or position between thirty-ninth and forty-first. [3 definitions] |
fortification |
a fortified place or defensive structure, such as a castle or fort. [3 definitions] |
fortify |
to provide with fortifications, as against military attack. [5 definitions] |
fortissimo |
in music, very loud. [3 definitions] |
fortitude |
strength, endurance, and patience in the face of adversity or temptation. |
fortnight |
fourteen nights and days; two weeks. |
fortnightly |
occurring or appearing every two weeks. [3 definitions] |
a computer language using mathematical notation and used in scientific problems (acronym for "formula translation"). |
fortress |
a large, fortified building or area, often encompassing a town or settlement. |
fortuitous |
happening or appearing by chance, as a coincidence. [2 definitions] |
fortuity |
accident or chance, or something produced thereby, such as an event. |
fortunate |
having good fortune; lucky; blessed. [2 definitions] |
fortunately |
by fortunate chance; luckily; fortuitously. |
fortune |
one's wealth, esp. extensive wealth. [4 definitions] |
fortune cookie |
a hollow cookie often served in Chinese restaurants in the United States and in various other countries outside China. Fortune cookies are made from a folded circle of thin dough and contain a slip of paper with a proverb, prediction, lucky numbers, or the like. Though typically associated with China in western countries, fortune cookies are virtually unknown in China itself. |
fortune hunter |
one whose goal is to be rich, esp. by befriending or marrying a rich person. |
fortuneteller |
one who professes the ability to predict people's destinies or other future events, esp. one who does this for money. |
forty |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 40 and by the Roman numeral XL. [5 definitions] |
forty-five |
a forty-five caliber pistol or revolver, or a cartridge of .45 inches in diameter to be used in such a gun. [3 definitions] |