frond |
a long, finely divided leaf, as of a fern or certain palms. |
front |
the most forward part or side of something, such as a building. [13 definitions] |
frontage |
the linear extent of land next to a street, road, river, lake, or the like. [2 definitions] |
frontal |
of, related to, or located at the front. [2 definitions] |
frontal bone |
the broad bone of the skull that forms the forehead. |
frontal lobe |
the part of the brain that is covered by the frontal bone. |
front burner |
(informal) the state of top priority or principal consideration (usu. prec. by "on the"). |
front desk |
a large counter in the lobby of a hotel or other venue where guests register. |
frontier |
a border between two countries, or the area close on either side. [3 definitions] |
frontiersman |
a man who lives on or near a frontier. |
frontispiece |
an illustration facing or preceding the title page of a book. |
frontless |
combined form of front. |
frontlet |
an ornamental band, ribbon, or the like worn on the forehead; phylactery; frontal. [2 definitions] |
front-load |
to assign the bulk of the expense or benefit of a financial process to its early stages. [2 definitions] |
front money |
money that is paid in advance, esp. to start a project. |
front office |
the administrative office of a company or organization, or its executive officers or management. |
fronton |
the game of jai alai or a building with a jai alai court. |
front-page |
important enough to print or report on the first page of a newspaper. |
front-runner |
one who leads in a competition, such as a runner in a footrace or a candidate for political office. |
frontward |
toward the front. [2 definitions] |
front-wheel drive |
a car design in which only the front wheels get driving power from the engine. |