frugality |
prudent or sparing use of resources, especially money. |
fruit |
an edible plant product that has seeds and flesh, such as apple, banana, or strawberry. [4 definitions] |
fruitage |
the process, period, or characteristic of bearing fruit. [3 definitions] |
fruit bat |
any of various tropical fruit-eating bats such as the flying fox. |
fruitcake |
a dense, sweet, usu. moist cake containing dried and candied fruit and sometimes nuts. [2 definitions] |
fruit cocktail |
a mixture of diced fruit, sometimes in a light syrup, served as an appetizer or dessert. |
fruit fly |
any of numerous small flies whose larvae feed on ripe fruits and vegetables. |
fruitful |
producing in abundant quantities. [3 definitions] |
fruition |
the realization of something desired, usually through effort. [2 definitions] |
fruitless |
unsuccessful; unproductive. [2 definitions] |
fruit sugar |
fructose. |
fruit tree |
a tree that produces edible fruit. |
fruitwood |
the wood of any of various fruit trees, such as cherry, used in making furniture, cabinets, and the like. |
fruity |
resembling a fruit in taste and smell. |
frump |
a girl or woman who is dull, plain, or unattractive and dresses drably or unfashionably. |
frumpy |
drab, unfashionable, or plain in appearance, dress, or manner. [2 definitions] |
frustrate |
to hinder or prevent (someone) from doing something. [4 definitions] |
frustrated |
feeling angry or upset at one's own powerlessness, at one's inability to resolve issues or accomplish what one desires or needs. [3 definitions] |
frustrating |
causing distress and impatience by being persistently difficult. |
frustration |
the act of frustrating, or the thing that frustrates. [2 definitions] |
frustum |
the bottom part of a cone that remains after the top portion is cut off with a plane parallel to the base. [2 definitions] |