gage3 |
any of several types of plum, usu. having a light green skin. |
gaggle |
a flock of geese when not in the air. [2 definitions] |
gagman |
a person who writes comic material, such as jokes, gags, and skits, for entertainers. |
gag rule |
a rule or law that restricts discussion of a particular topic, as in a legislative body. |
Gaia hypothesis |
a scientific hypothesis that the entire earth, including its atmosphere, is a self-regulating organism. |
gaiety |
a feeling or air of happiness or cheer. [3 definitions] |
gaily |
in a cheerful or merry manner. [2 definitions] |
gain |
to acquire. [9 definitions] |
gainer |
one that gains. [2 definitions] |
gainful |
producing profit or gain; lucrative. |
gain ground |
to advance or gain acceptance. |
gainsay |
to deny or contradict. [2 definitions] |
'gainst |
contracted form of "against." |
gait |
a manner of walking or running. [3 definitions] |
gaiter |
a covering of leather or heavy cloth for the ankle and often the lower leg. [3 definitions] |
gal |
(informal) a girl or woman. |
gal. |
abbreviation of "gallon" or "gallons." |
gala |
suited to a festive celebration. [2 definitions] |
galactic |
of or pertaining to a galaxy, esp. the Milky Way. [2 definitions] |
galactic noise |
radio waves originating from within the Milky Way. |
galactorrhea |
the abnormal or excessive flow of milk from a breast. |