gall3 |
an abnormal swelling or growth on a plant, caused by an insect, injury, bacterium, or the like. |
gallant |
courageous, spirited, or chivalrous. [7 definitions] |
gallantry |
admirable courage. [3 definitions] |
gallbladder |
a small muscular sac that is attached to the liver and that stores bile. |
galleass |
a large, three-masted, heavily-armed fighting galley used in the Mediterranean in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. |
galleon |
a large three-masted sailing ship used esp. by the Spaniards in the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries. |
gallery |
a long, narrow room, hallway, or promenade that is covered and open at one or both ends. [7 definitions] |
galley |
a large, low ship of ancient and medieval times that was propelled by oars and sometimes by sails. [3 definitions] |
galley proof |
a printer's proof taken from type in a galley to allow for correction of errors before final pages are assembled. |
galley slave |
a slave or convict forced to work at an oar on a galley. [2 definitions] |
gallfly |
any of various insects that deposit eggs in plant stems or tree bark causing the formation of galls in which the larvae feed. |
Gallic |
of or pertaining to France or its people, culture, or the like; French. |
gallic acid |
a clear, crystalline acid derived from tannin, used in photography and in inks and dyes. |
Gallicism |
a French expression or idiom when adopted by another language. [2 definitions] |
Gallicize |
(sometimes l.c.) to make or become like the French in character, thought, language, or the like. |
gallimaufry |
a jumbled mixture; hodgepodge. |
gallinacean |
a gallinaceous bird. |
gallinaceous |
belonging to a variety of birds that nest on the ground, including turkeys, chickens, pheasants, and grouse. |
galling |
causing vexation or irritation. |
gallinule |
any of a variety of marsh birds characterized by long, webless toes and dark plumage. |
galliot |
variant of galiot. |