gamo- |
united; joined. |
gamopetalous |
having fused or partly fused petals that form a tubelike corolla, such as that of the morning-glory. |
gamophyllous |
having leaves that are united along their edges. |
-gamous |
having (such) a number of spouses or type of marriage. [2 definitions] |
gamut |
the whole extent or range of anything. [2 definitions] |
-gamy |
marriage, or union for propagation. [2 definitions] |
gamy |
having the strong taste or smell characteristic of the meat of wild animals, esp. of meat that has started to spoil. [2 definitions] |
gander |
the male of any variety of goose. (Cf. goose.) |
Gandhiism |
the social and political theories and practices of Gandhi, esp. those of nonviolent resistance. |
Ganesh |
Hindu god of wisdom and remover of obstacles, represented as a short, fat man with an elephant's head. |
Ganesha |
alternate spelling of Ganesh. |
gang1 |
any group of people, such as those who associate for social or criminal purposes. [3 definitions] |
gang2 |
the valueless minerals, rocks, or the like found mixed with valuable ore; gangue. |
Ganges |
a river that flows eastward across northern India and central Bangladesh and into the Indian Ocean. |
Ganges River |
a river that flows eastward across northern India and central Bangladesh and into the Indian Ocean; Ganges. |
gang hook |
a fishhook consisting of several hooks that are joined at their shanks. |
gangland |
the criminal world. |
ganglion |
any concentrated mass of nerve cells outside the brain or spine, serving as the source of nerve impulses. [2 definitions] |
gangly |
tall, slender, and awkward; gangling. |
gangplank |
a board or other movable walkway used for getting on or off a ship; gangway. |
gangrene |
death or rotting of a part of a living organism caused by faulty circulation, disease, or injury. [2 definitions] |