gangrene |
death or rotting of a part of a living organism caused by faulty circulation, disease, or injury. [2 definitions] |
gangrenous |
of or pertaining to tissue in a living body that is dead or decaying due to impaired blood flow. |
gangster |
someone who belongs to a criminal gang, esp. one who participates in organized crime; mobster. |
gangue |
the valueless minerals, rocks, or the like found mixed with valuable ore; gang. |
gang up on |
(informal) to criticize or attack (someone) as a group. |
gangway |
a path into, out of, around, or through something; passageway. [4 definitions] |
ganja |
a highly resinous form of marijuana. |
gannet |
any of several large, fish-eating ocean birds. |
ganoid |
belonging to a group of fishes, some extinct, that have hard armorlike scales. [2 definitions] |
gantlet1 |
a portion of railroad tracks made up of two separate but overlapping tracks, usu. constructed at a narrow place, such as a tunnel or bridge. [3 definitions] |
gantlet2 |
see "gauntlet1." |
gantry |
a framework resembling a bridge that goes over railroad tracks and holds signals or that contains rails for a movable crane. [2 definitions] |
Ganymede |
in Greek mythology, a young Trojan abducted by Zeus to be the cupbearer to the gods. [2 definitions] |
gaol |
(chiefly British) variant of "jail." |
gap |
a space or opening made by or as if by breaking or separating. [5 definitions] |
gape |
to stare in surprise, awe, or wonder, esp. with the mouth open. [5 definitions] |
gar |
any of various freshwater fish of North and Central America that have hard scales, a long thin body, and a long, toothed snout. |
garage |
a building or part of a building designed to house cars, trucks, and the like. [3 definitions] |
garage door |
a door for a garage, usually set on rollers in tracks that allow the door to be raised to an overhead position or lowered to close the entry. |
garage sale |
a sale of used or unwanted things, held at a private home. |
Garand rifle |
a semiautomatic, clip-fed rifle, which was standard issue of the U.S. Army in World War II and the Korean War; M-1. |