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grammatical of or relating to grammar. [2 definitions]
gram molecule the quantity of a substance with a weight in grams numerically equal to its molecular weight; mole; gram-molecular weight.
Grammy any of various awards given annually in the United States by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences for outstanding achievement in the recording industry.
gramophone a machine for playing phonograph records, esp. an old-fashioned one.
grampus a marine mammal closely related to the dolphin. [2 definitions]
Gram's method a method of classifying bacteria by staining them with a violet dye, the retention or loss of which determines their classification.
Granada Relocation Center a U.S. internment camp, also known as Camp Amache, located in southeastern Colorado that was built for the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. At its peak, there were 7,300 people forcibly living there.
granary a structure built to store grain, esp. grain that has been threshed. [2 definitions]
grand impressive in size or appearance; majestic; stately. [6 definitions]
grand- one generation away.
grandam a grandmother. [2 definitions]
Grand Army of the Republic an organization founded in 1866 by men who had served in the Union Army or Navy during the U.S. Civil War.
grandaunt see "great-aunt."
Grand Canyon a long deep gorge of the Colorado River in northwestern Arizona.
grandchild a child of one's child.
granddad (informal) a grandfather.
granddaughter a female child of one's child.
grand duchess the wife or widow of a grand duke. [3 definitions]
grand duchy a territory or country ruled by a grand duke or duchess.
grand duke a man who rules a grand duchy. [2 definitions]
grande dame (French) a grand or great lady, esp. one of advanced age; lady of aristocratic manner.