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hahnium a synthetic radioactive chemical element that has 105 protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Ha)
Haida a member of an American Indian tribe of British Columbia and Alaska. [2 definitions]
haiku a Japanese verse form of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables respectively, or any poem written in this form.
hail1 to salute or greet. [7 definitions]
hail2 pellets of frozen rain or a storm of such pellets. [5 definitions]
hail from to have as one's place of origin or residence; come from.
Hail Mary see "Ave Maria."
hailstone a single pellet of hail.
hailstorm a storm or shower accompanied by hail.
hair any of the single, thin, thread-like strands that grow from the skin of mammals. [4 definitions]
hairbreadth extremely close or narrow. [2 definitions]
hairbrush a brush used to groom and arrange the hair.
haircloth a stiff fabric of animal hairs, esp. horsehair woven with cotton, and used for upholstery and interlining.
haircut the act or process of cutting hair. [2 definitions]
hairdo the style or shape in which hair is arranged; coiffure.
hairdresser one who cuts or styles hair, esp. women's hair.
hairdressing the occupation of one who cuts or styles hair. [4 definitions]
hairless having no hair; bald.
hairline the border of where one's hair naturally grows, esp. at the forehead. [3 definitions]
hairnet a net of fine mesh, worn to hold the hair in place.
hairpiece a toupee, wig, or the like.