half-caste |
(offensive) one whose parents are of different origins, esp. European and Hindu or European and Muslim. [2 definitions] |
half-circle |
one half of a circle; semicircle. |
half cock |
the partly raised position of the hammer of a firearm, at which point the trigger locks and cannot be pulled. |
half-cocked |
of a firearm, with the hammer raised halfway and locked to prevent firing. [2 definitions] |
half dollar |
a coin of the United States and Canada worth fifty cents. |
half gainer |
a dive in which the diver, facing forward, executes half of a backward somersault, thus entering the water headfirst and facing the diving board. |
halfhearted |
accomplished with or showing little interest or enthusiasm. |
half hitch |
a knot made by making a loop in a rope and passing the end of the rope through the loop. |
half-hour |
a period of time lasting thirty minutes. [4 definitions] |
half-life |
in physics, the time required for disintegration of half the atoms in a given quantity of radioactive material. |
half-mast |
a point midway up a ship's mast, at which the flag is flown to signal distress or as a symbol of mourning. [2 definitions] |
half-moon |
the moon in the first or last quarter, when half its disk is illuminated. [2 definitions] |
half nelson |
a hold in which a wrestler passes one arm under the opponent's arm from behind and pushes the back of the opponent's neck. |
half note |
a musical note sustained for half the duration of a whole note. |
halfpenny |
a bronze coin of the United Kingdom worth one half of a new penny. [4 definitions] |
half pint |
in the US, a unit of capacity equal to one fourth of a quart, 8 fluid ounces, or 236.6 milliliters; a cup. [3 definitions] |
half shell |
either of the two shells of a bivalve mollusk such as an oyster or clam, often used as a serving container for raw or cooked seafood. |
half sister |
a female offspring related to siblings through one parent only. |
half size |
any size in women's dresses, coats, and other garments that is suitable for short, full-figured women. |
half slip |
a skirtlike woman's undergarment. |
half-sole |
to repair (shoes or boots) by putting on new half soles. |