hao |
the smaller monetary unit of Vietnam. (Cf. dong.) |
hap |
chance or luck. [3 definitions] |
haphazard |
not organized or based on reason or logic; without aim or purpose. [3 definitions] |
haphazardly |
by chance or accident. [2 definitions] |
hapless |
not favored by chance; unlucky; unfortunate. |
haploid |
in biology, having a single set of non-sex-determining chromosomes. (See diploid.) [2 definitions] |
haply |
by chance; fortuitously; perhaps. |
happen |
to take place; occur. [4 definitions] |
happening |
something that happens; event; occurrence. [2 definitions] |
happenstance |
accident or chance. |
happi coat |
a smock of Japanese origin, worn belted with a narrow sash. |
happily |
in a happy manner. [2 definitions] |
happiness |
the state or condition of being happy. [2 definitions] |
happy |
marked by a feeling of joy, contentment, pleasure, comfort, or the like. [4 definitions] |
happy-go-lucky |
trusting one's well-being or success to luck; carefree. |
happy hour |
a period of one or two hours in the late afternoon during which some bars offer reduced prices on drinks. |
Hapsburg |
a member of a German noble family that has produced rulers of several European countries since the twelfth century, or the name of the family itself. |
hara-kiri |
a Japanese ritual suicide with knife or dagger, usu. to preserve one's honor, and associated esp. with the samurai and, more recently, the military. [2 definitions] |
harangue |
a long, vehement, and often pompous speech or piece of writing, esp. such a speech delivered in public; tirade. [4 definitions] |
Harare |
the capital of Zimbabwe; formerly Salisbury. |
harass |
to trouble or disturb repeatedly or persistently. [2 definitions] |