harrier1 |
one that harasses or harries. [2 definitions] |
harrier2 |
any of several small hounds bred for hunting cross-country, usu. in packs. [2 definitions] |
Harriet Tubman |
American abolitionist who escaped slavery yet returned to the South to rescue others, making use of the Underground Railroad. During the Civil War, Tubman acted as a scout and spy for the Union Army. After the war, she became an activist for the rights of women. (b. 1822?--d. 1913). |
Harrisburg |
the capital of Pennsylvania. |
Harris Tweed |
trademark for a hand-woven woolen tweed made in the Outer Hebrides islands of Scotland. |
harrow |
a farm implement that has spikes or vertical disks mounted on a heavy frame and is used to break up and level plowed ground. [4 definitions] |
harrowing |
deeply distressing or painful. |
harrumph |
to clear one's throat with a low guttural or rasping sound, often to express disapproval. [2 definitions] |
harry |
to attack or annoy repeatedly or constantly; harass. [3 definitions] |
Harry Potter |
the main character in a fantasy fiction series written by British author J. K. Rowling. The character is a young wizard, and the series relates his trials and magical adventures. |
Harry S. Truman |
the 33rd President of the United States (1945 to 1953), who ordered the dropping of atomic bombs for the purpose of bringing an end to World War II in Japan (b.1884--d.1972). |
harsh |
rough and unpleasant to the senses, esp. hearing. [3 definitions] |
hart |
a male deer, esp. a red deer five years or older. |
hartebeest |
any of several large African antelopes characterized by a brownish coat and long backward-curving horns. |
Hartford |
the capital of Connecticut. |
hartshorn |
the antler of a male deer or hart, formerly a source of the ammonium carbonate used in smelling salts. |
harum-scarum |
reckless or irresponsible. [4 definitions] |
haruspex |
a minor priest and soothsayer in ancient Rome who foretold the future by inspecting the vital organs of sacrificial animals. |
Harvard |
see "Harvard University." |
Harvard University |
an Ivy League university in the U.S. founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, considered a world center for research and scholarship. |
harvest |
the gathering of ripe crops. [11 definitions] |