hate |
to dislike intensely; feel hostility toward; loathe; detest. [4 definitions] |
hateful |
evoking or causing hatred. [3 definitions] |
hatemonger |
a person who seeks to arouse hatred, animosity, and prejudice in others, esp. against a minority group. |
hatless |
combined form of hat. |
hatrack |
a post with pegs or other stand on which hats are placed. |
hatred |
a feeling of hate or intense dislike; animosity. |
hatter |
a person who makes, sells, or cleans and repairs hats. |
hauberk |
a tunic of chain mail, reaching to the knees and worn for protection in battle in the Middle Ages. |
haughty |
proud in a manner that shows disdain for others; arrogant. |
haul |
to pull or draw forcibly; drag or tug. [9 definitions] |
haulage |
the fee charged for transporting goods. |
haunch |
the hip and fleshy parts of the buttock and thigh. [2 definitions] |
haunt |
to inhabit or visit as a ghost. [4 definitions] |
haunted |
inhabited or visited by ghosts. [2 definitions] |
haunting |
coming back to the mind again and again; not easy to forget. |
Hausa |
a member of a native people inhabiting southern Niger and northern Nigeria. [2 definitions] |
hautboy |
formerly, an oboe. |
haute couture |
(French) the leading, most influential designers and creators of fashions in clothing, and the fashions they create; high fashion. |
haute cuisine |
(French) the preparation of food by elaborate, highly refined methods, esp. by skilled professional chefs. |
hauteur |
arrogance of manner or attitude; haughtiness. |
haut monde |
(French) rich, prominent, or fashionable people; high society. |