hibernal |
of or concerning winter; wintry. |
hibernate |
to remain dormant over the winter in a den or burrow so as to conserve energy, as bears and other animals. [2 definitions] |
hibernation |
a sleep-like state of diminished metabolic activity entered into during winter by bears and other animals so as to conserve energy. [3 definitions] |
hibiscus |
any of numerous plants related to mallow, with large, attractive, and colorful flowers. |
hiccup |
a sudden, spasmodic inhalation that is cut off by the involuntary closing of the windpipe. [4 definitions] |
hic jacet |
(Latin) here lies; usu. part of an epitaph or tombstone inscription. |
hick |
an unsophisticated person from a rural area; yokel. |
hickey |
(informal) any gadget or device called so for convenience. [3 definitions] |
hickory |
any of a number of deciduous trees of the walnut family, found mostly in North America and in some varieties producing edible nuts and commercially useful wood. [2 definitions] |
hid |
past tense and a past participle of "hide." |
hidalgo |
a member of the lower nobility in Spain, below a grandee. |
hidden |
not in plain view; concealed, covert, or secret. [2 definitions] |
hide1 |
to put or hold out of sight; keep from view; conceal. [3 definitions] |
hide2 |
the skin of one of the larger animals such as a buffalo or cow. [3 definitions] |
hide-and-seek |
a game, usu. played by children, in which all hide except one, who tries to find the others. |
hideaway |
a place suitable for hiding; hideout. [3 definitions] |
hidebound |
unyielding in one's stance or opinion. [2 definitions] |
hideous |
exceptionally ugly or frightening in appearance; repulsive. [3 definitions] |
hideout |
a place suitable for hiding, esp. from the police. |
hiding1 |
the act or condition of concealing or being concealed. [2 definitions] |
hiding2 |
a thrashing, flogging, or severe beating. |