hip-hop |
the culture of rap music and its associated styles of dance, dress, behavior, and speech, which originated among young, inner-city African Americans in the 1970s. [3 definitions] |
hip-huggers |
pants designed to be fitted tightly at the hips instead of at the waistline. |
hip joint |
the ball-and-socket joint consisting of the head of the femur and its receptacle in the pelvis. |
hipped1 |
having hips. [3 definitions] |
hipped2 |
(informal) very enthusiastic or obsessed (fol. by "on"). |
hippie |
someone, esp. of the late 1960s, who rejects the established values of contemporary society, and who demonstrates that rejection through unconventional dress and behavior, and by advocating pacifism and communal living. (See flower child.) |
hippo |
(informal) hippopotamus. |
hippocampus |
one of two ridges of nerve matter that extend along the lateral ventricles of the brain from the olfactory lobe to the rear of the cerebrum. |
Hippocrates |
a Greek physician (460?-377? B.C.). |
Hippocratic oath |
an oath to follow the ethical codes of the medical profession, usu. taken by new physicians. |
hippodrome |
an outdoor arena for horse shows, circuses, or other public spectacles. [2 definitions] |
hippopotamus |
a very large, bulky, nearly hairless plant-eating African mammal that lives mostly in and close to water. |
hippy1 |
having large hips. |
hippy2 |
variant of hippie. |
hip roof |
a roof whose sides and ends slope downward. |
hircine |
of or resembling a goat, esp. in odor. |
hire |
to take on as an employee for money or other reward. [5 definitions] |
hireling |
someone who hires himself or herself out, esp. to do menial or unpleasant tasks. [2 definitions] |
hire out |
to offer one's services for a fee. |
hiring hall |
an employment office or center, esp. one where a union places applicants in positions according to their seniority as union members, or by the principle of rotation. |
Hiroshima |
a city in southwest Honshu, Japan, on which the United States dropped an atomic bomb in August, 1945--the first use of a nuclear weapon in history. Hiroshima has been rebuilt and is a thriving city. |