Hiroshima |
a city in southwest Honshu, Japan, on which the United States dropped an atomic bomb in August, 1945--the first use of a nuclear weapon in history. Hiroshima has been rebuilt and is a thriving city. |
hirsute |
covered with hair or stiff hairs; hairy or shaggy. |
his |
that thing or those things belonging to that male person or animal previously mentioned. [2 definitions] |
Hispanic |
Spanish or of Spanish descent or origin. [3 definitions] |
Hispaniola |
a West Indies island shared by Haiti in the western part and the Dominican Republic in the eastern part. |
hispid |
having a covering of bristlelike hairs, or stiff tiny projections, as the stems of some plants or certain animal parts. |
hiss |
to produce a sound by pushing air past teeth held close together, as if prolonging an "s." [4 definitions] |
hist |
used to command attention or silence. |
histamine |
an organic crystalline compound, produced esp. during an allergic reaction, that lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, and increases stomach secretions. (Cf. antihistamine.) [2 definitions] |
histidine |
an aromatic amino acid, essential in humans and other animals, that is found in proteins. |
histo- |
tissue. |
histochemistry |
the study of the chemical makeup of tissues and cells. |
histocompatibility |
a condition allowing the cells or tissues of one person to be accepted by another, as in a blood transfusion or organ transplant. |
histogen |
cells that are the origin of new tissue, such as cambium in plant stems and roots. |
histogram |
a bar graph of a frequency distribution in which the frequency of a variable is represented by the height of the bar, and the class interval by the width, where each class interval is a summary of data that represents a range of independent variable values rather than a single value. |
histology |
the scientific study of the microscopic structure of organic tissue. [2 definitions] |
histolysis |
the breakdown and decomposition of organic tissue. |
histone |
any of a group of simple proteins that are found in the nuclei of cells and are involved in the formation of chromatin. |
histoplasmosis |
a mild infection or severe disease caused by a fungus taken into the body, sometimes attacking various organs or the nervous system. |
historian |
one who writes about or is an expert on history. |
historic |
significant in history. [4 definitions] |