homeless |
having no home. [2 definitions] |
homeless shelter |
a place that provides temporary shelter for the homeless, esp. for the purpose of sleep. |
homely |
lacking beauty; plain; unattractive. [3 definitions] |
homemade |
made at home rather than purchased. [2 definitions] |
homemaker |
one whose main occupation is the care of a household. |
homeo- |
similar. |
home office |
the main office of a business, organization, or company that has several offices. [2 definitions] |
homeopathy |
treatment of a disease with small doses of a drug that would, if taken in larger amounts, produce in a healthy individual symptoms like those of the disease. (Cf. allopathy.) |
homeostasis |
the tendency of a physiological system, esp. of mammals and other higher animals, to remain more or less stable. |
homeowner |
a person who owns a home, usu. his or her own residence. |
home page |
the main page of a Web site, often having a table of contents and links to other parts of the Web site. |
home plate |
in baseball, a five-sided flat slab of hard rubber at which the batter stands, and which the base runner must touch in order to score a run. |
home port |
the location of a vessel between trips or during maintenance servicing, or its port of registration. [2 definitions] |
homeporting |
the practice of establishing, in port cities, home ports for warships, esp. those carrying nuclear weapons. |
Homer |
an actual or legendary Greek poet (about the eighth century B.C.). |
homer |
(informal) in baseball, a home run. [2 definitions] |
home range |
the area usu. covered by an animal during the course of a day or season. |
Homeric |
of, concerning, or resembling Homer or esp. his poetry. [2 definitions] |
homeroom |
a school classroom where students meet at the beginning of the school day for attendance and announcements. |
home rule |
the principle or practice of self-government by the citizens of a country, state, or city, esp. as granted by a controlling authority. |
home run |
in baseball, a hit that allows the batter enough time to touch all four bases in succession and score a run. |