home run |
in baseball, a hit that allows the batter enough time to touch all four bases in succession and score a run. |
homesick |
yearning for one's home. |
homespun |
of cloth or yarn, made or spun at home. [4 definitions] |
homestead |
a house and the surrounding land and outbuildings, esp. a farm. [4 definitions] |
homesteader |
someone who lawfully claims and settles on a piece of land. [2 definitions] |
homestead law |
any law prohibiting forced sale or seizure of a homestead to settle debt. [2 definitions] |
homestretch |
the last, straight portion of a racetrack, leading to the finish line. [2 definitions] |
hometown |
the town or city in which one was born or grew up, or in which one has presently lived for a considerable time. |
home video |
equipment having to do with the playing or recording of videocassettes or videodiscs in the home, or a videocassette or videodisc viewed in the home. |
homeward |
to or toward home. [2 definitions] |
homework |
schoolwork that is assigned to be done at home rather than at school. |
homey |
pleasant, comfortable, or cozy; like home. |
homicide |
the act of killing another person; murder. [2 definitions] |
homiletics |
(used with a sing. verb) the art of composing and delivering homilies or sermons; art of preaching. |
homily |
a sermon giving religious instruction. [2 definitions] |
homing |
going or returning home; homeward bound. [2 definitions] |
homing pigeon |
a kind of pigeon that is trained to return to its home roost, and that can deliver messages over long distances. |
hominid |
any member of the family of two-legged primates that includes all humans and their ancestors. |
hominize |
to cause to change so as to be compatible with mankind as it evolves. [2 definitions] |
hominoid |
a member of a superfamily that includes the great apes and humans. [2 definitions] |
hominy |
hulled kernels of dried corn, often ground and cooked with water. |