hominy |
hulled kernels of dried corn, often ground and cooked with water. |
homo- |
same; similar. |
homocysteine |
An amino acid that is an intermediate in the metabolism of methionine. In humans, elevated levels of homocysteine in blood are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. |
Homo erectus |
an extinct species of the human race that had a fairly small brain and an upright stance. (See Pithecanthropus.) |
homoeroticism |
sexual desire for one of the same sex; homosexuality. |
homogamy |
the characteristic of a plant that has flowers or florets all of one sex. [3 definitions] |
homogeneity |
the state or quality of being made up of the same or similar elements. |
homogeneous |
having all parts of the same or a similar type. (Cf. heterogeneous.) [2 definitions] |
homogenize |
to make the same throughout in structure, nature, or consistency; make homogeneous. [2 definitions] |
homogenous |
having a similar structure because of developing from the same origin. |
homograph |
a word that has the same spelling as another but a different origin and meaning. |
homologize |
to cause or demonstrate to be homologous. [2 definitions] |
homologous |
corresponding structurally, often because of a common evolutionary origin. |
homology |
the state, condition, or quality of being homologous. [2 definitions] |
homolosine projection |
a map of the earth's surface, characterized by accurate representation of the continents that results in some distortion of the oceans. |
homomorphism |
similarity or resemblance of size, form, or appearance. |
homonym |
a word pronounced and often spelled the same as another but having a different meaning. |
homophile |
a homosexual person. [2 definitions] |
homophobia |
an extreme fear or hatred of homosexuals or homosexuality. |
homophone |
a word that sounds the same as another but has a different meaning and often a different spelling. |
homophonic |
having the same sound. [2 definitions] |