hook and eye |
a clothes-fastening device having a small metal hook, on one side of the opening, that attaches to a loop or small bar on the other side. |
hook and ladder |
a fire engine carrying extension ladders, hooked tools, and other equipment; hook-and-ladder truck. |
hooked |
curved or shaped like a hook. [4 definitions] |
hooker1 |
a type of fishing boat with a single mast, used off the Irish and English coasts. [2 definitions] |
hooker3 |
(slang) a prostitute. |
hooker2 |
one that hooks. |
hook, line, and sinker |
(informal) without any question or hesitation; completely. |
hooknose |
a nose that has a prominent outward curve; aquiline nose. |
hook shot |
in basketball, a shot made, with the body sideways to the basket, by the far hand arcing the ball over the head. |
hookup |
an arrangement or system, as of electrical circuits and equipment designed to operate together. [3 definitions] |
hook up |
to connect to a system or power source. [3 definitions] |
hookworm |
a parasitic bloodsucking worm with hooks around its mouth with which it attaches itself to human and animal intestine walls. [2 definitions] |
hooky |
(informal) illegal absence; truancy (usu. prec. by "play"). |
hooligan |
a rough, reckless, troublemaking person; hoodlum; ruffian. |
hoop |
a large ring of wood, plastic, or metal, such as that used as a child's toy or for an animal to jump through. [7 definitions] |
hoopla |
(informal) noisy, excited activity or commotion. [2 definitions] |
hoopoe |
a bird with plumage of a marked design, an erect, fanlike crest, and a long, thin, slightly curved bill. |
hoop skirt |
a long, full skirt, fashionable in the eighteenth century, that was made to bell out by hoops worn beneath. |
hooray |
variant of hurrah. |
Hoosier |
(informal) a nickname for a native or resident of the state of Indiana. |
hoot |
to utter a loud, harsh shout or cry, esp. of disapproval or scorn. [7 definitions] |