hyperborean |
one who lives in an extreme northern region. [4 definitions] |
hypercalcemia |
an abnormally high concentration of calcium in the blood. |
hypercatabolism |
combined form of catabolism. |
hypercautious |
combined form of cautious. |
hypercharged |
combined form of charged. |
hypercivilized |
combined form of civilized. |
hypercoagulability |
combined form of coagulability. |
hypercoagulable |
combined form of coagulable. |
hypercompetitive |
combined form of competitive. |
hyperconcentration |
combined form of concentration. |
hyperconscious |
combined form of conscious. |
hyperconsciousness |
combined form of consciousness. |
hypercritical |
excessively or exaggeratedly critical; overly inclined to find fault. |
hyperdevelopment |
combined form of development. |
hyperefficient |
combined form of efficient. |
hyperemotional |
combined form of emotional. |
hyperemotionality |
combined form of emotionality. |
hyperendemic |
combined form of endemic. |
hyperenergetic |
combined form of energetic. |
hyperexcitability |
combined form of excitability. |
hyperexcitable |
combined form of excitable. |