hyperexcitable |
combined form of excitable. |
hyperexcited |
combined form of excited. |
hyperexcitement |
combined form of excitement. |
hyperexcretion |
combined form of excretion. |
hyperextension |
the extension or bending backward of a limb, esp. at the elbow or knee, beyond its normal limits. [2 definitions] |
hyperfastidious |
combined form of fastidious. |
hyperfunction |
combined form of function. |
hyperfunctional |
combined form of functional. |
hyperfunctioning |
combined form of functioning. |
hyperglycemia |
an abnormally high blood glucose concentration. |
hyperimmune |
combined form of immune. |
hyperimmunization |
combined form of immunization. |
hyperimmunize |
combined form of immunize. |
hyperinflated |
combined form of inflated. |
hyperinnervation |
combined form of innervation. |
hyperintellectual |
combined form of intellectual. |
hyperintelligent |
combined form of intelligent. |
hyperintense |
combined form of intense. |
hyperinvolution |
combined form of involution. |
hyperlink |
text or an image on any web page that, when clicked on, causes another web page or another point on the same page to be displayed on the computer screen. |
hypermania |
combined form of mania. |