hyperpure |
combined form of pure. |
hyperrational |
combined form of rational. |
hyperrationality |
combined form of rationality. |
hyperreactive |
combined form of reactive. |
hyperreactivity |
combined form of reactivity. |
hyperreactor |
combined form of reactor. |
hyperresponsive |
combined form of responsive. |
hyperromantic |
combined form of romantic. |
hypersaline |
combined form of saline. |
hypersalinity |
combined form of salinity. |
hypersalivation |
combined form of salivation. |
hypersecretion |
combined form of secretion. |
hypersensitive |
excessively or unduly sensitive. [2 definitions] |
hypersensitization |
combined form of sensitization. |
hypersensitize |
combined form of sensitize. |
hypersomnolence |
combined form of somnolence. |
hypersonic |
of or pertaining to speeds equal to or greater than five times the speed of sound. |
hyperstatic |
combined form of static. |
hyperstimulate |
combined form of stimulate. |
hyperstimulation |
combined form of stimulation. |
hypersusceptibility |
combined form of susceptibility. |