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immanent existing within; inherent. [3 definitions]
Immanuel in the Old Testament, the symbolic name of the Messiah as prophesied by Isaiah, often identified with Jesus Christ by Christian interpreters.
Immanuel Kant a German philosopher (b.1724--d.1804).
immaterial not having relevance or importance; irrelevant. [2 definitions]
immature not yet fully developed or mature; juvenile. [2 definitions]
immeasurable impossible to measure; without limit.
immediacy the condition or quality of being immediate; directness.
immediate happening without delay; instant. [4 definitions]
immediately without delay; promptly. [3 definitions]
immemorial reaching back in time beyond memory or record.
immense extremely large or vast. [3 definitions]
immensely in a great degree; very; extremely.
immensity great distance or extent. [3 definitions]
immerse to put deeply into or cover with liquid; submerge. [3 definitions]
immersion an act or instance of immersing or being immersed, or the condition of being immersed. [2 definitions]
immersion heater an electric coil or rod used to heat liquid while immersed in it.
immersive making or capable of making one feel deeply involved or engaged; deeply absorbing of one's attention.
immigrant one who moves permanently to another country from his or her native land. (See "migrant.") [2 definitions]
immigrate to take up permanent residence in a place or country to which one is not native. [2 definitions]
immigration the act or process of immigrating. [2 definitions]
Immigration Act of 1917 an exclusionary law passed by the U.S. Congress in 1917 that barred certain classes of people such as "idiots," "alcoholics," "epileptics," and "illiterates" from immigrating to the U.S. and also barred all immigrants coming from the so-called "Asiatic Barred Zone," which included much of Asia; also referred to as the Asiatic Barred Zone Act.