impede |
to slow or block the movement or progress of; hinder. |
impediment |
an obstacle or hindrance. [3 definitions] |
impedimenta |
baggage, supplies, or other encumbrances that slow one's progress. |
impel |
to drive or incite to action. [2 definitions] |
impeller |
that which drives or sends forward. [2 definitions] |
impend |
to be about to occur or appear. [2 definitions] |
impending |
about to occur or appear. [2 definitions] |
impenetrable |
impossible to penetrate or enter; impervious. [3 definitions] |
impenitent |
not sorry or apologetic for one's misdeeds; unrepentant. |
imperative |
extremely important; urgent; unavoidable. [6 definitions] |
imperative sentence |
a sentence that tells someone to do something or makes a request. An example of an imperative sentence is "Tie your shoes." |
imperator |
in ancient Rome, a victorious general or an emperor. |
imperceptible |
so gradual or subtle as to be unnoticed or unnoticeable. [2 definitions] |
imperceptive |
having poor perception or understanding. |
impercipient |
combined form of percipient. |
imperfect |
not perfect or complete; having defects or shortcomings. [5 definitions] |
imperfection |
a flaw or fault. [2 definitions] |
imperforate |
lacking openings or perforations. [3 definitions] |
imperial1 |
of or pertaining to an empire or its ruler. [5 definitions] |
imperial2 |
a small, pointed beard grown on the lower lip and chin. |
imperial3 |
a gold coin formerly minted in Russia worth ten, and later fifteen, rubles. |