imponderable |
unable to be evaluated or calculated accurately. [2 definitions] |
import |
to bring in from an outside origin, esp. to bring in (merchandise) from a foreign country. [7 definitions] |
importable |
combined form of import. |
importance |
the state of being important; significance or consequence. [2 definitions] |
important |
having relatively great significance or value. [4 definitions] |
importantly |
a word used to emphasize the importance of what is being said. |
importation |
the act or business of bringing in foreign goods. [2 definitions] |
importer |
a person or business that brings items in from another country so that they may be sold as merchandise. |
importunate |
urgent or stubbornly persistent in making a demand or request. |
importune |
to pester with insistent demands or requests. [3 definitions] |
importunity |
the quality or condition of being persistently demanding. [2 definitions] |
impose |
to institute or establish as something to be fulfilled or borne. [3 definitions] |
impose on |
to intrude upon without invitation or at an unsuitable time. [2 definitions] |
impose upon |
to intrude on or cause inconvenience to (someone) without invitation or at an unsuitable time. [2 definitions] |
imposing |
overwhelming in size or character; demanding attention; impressive. |
imposition |
something assigned or demanded, such as a duty, burden, or requirement. [4 definitions] |
impossibility |
the state or quality of being impossible. [2 definitions] |
impossible |
not able to happen, exist, or be done. [3 definitions] |
impossibly |
in an impossible way. [3 definitions] |
impost |
a tax or duty, such as a customs fee. [2 definitions] |
impostor |
one who defrauds or deceives by pretending to be another person. |