income |
the money derived from work or investments. |
income tax |
a tax on personal and corporate income. |
incoming |
about to arrive or having just arrived. [4 definitions] |
incommensurable |
lacking a common standard of measurement or comparison. |
incommensurate |
not fitting, adequate, or proportionate. [2 definitions] |
incommode |
to inconvenience or disturb. |
incommodious |
uncomfortable or inconvenient, esp. by not affording enough room or space. |
incommodity |
that which is inconvenient. |
in common |
held or used jointly; shared. [2 definitions] |
incommunicable |
incapable of being communicated. |
incommunicado |
not permitted to transmit or receive messages. |
incomparable |
having no equal; unsurpassed. [2 definitions] |
incompatible |
unable to coexist peacefully; incongruous. [6 definitions] |
incompetence |
the state or quality of not having the required skills to do something. |
incompetency |
the state or quality of not having the required skills to do something; incompetence. |
incompetent |
lacking necessary knowledge or skills. [4 definitions] |
incomplete |
not complete; unfinished. [3 definitions] |
incompliant |
combined form of compliant. |
incomprehensible |
not understandable or decipherable. |
incompressible |
incapable of being squeezed or condensed. |
inconceivable |
incapable of being imagined or understood; unthinkable. [2 definitions] |